Old air conditioners often struggle to keep homes cool when temperatures rise in Northampton, PA. Newer models are more energy-efficient and can significantly reduce the cost of cooling your home. Learn the signs that it’s time to replace your air conditioner.

Rise in Energy Bills

Fluctuations in your energy bill are a possible indicator that your AC has exceeded its useful life. That may include a noticeable increase in your monthly cooling expenses, even though there was no change in energy use. A faulty air conditioner may cause your energy bills to go up and never come down until a new unit is installed.

Frequent Malfunctions

Regular maintenance is necessary to extend the life of an air conditioner. It may be time for a replacement if it is malfunctioning despite keeping up with your preventive maintenance schedule. Getting a new air conditioner for your home in Northampton, PA can eliminate the frustration of an AC malfunction in the summer.

Excessive Noise

While it is normal for an AC to make noise, a faulty unit may become louder than usual. In addition to disturbing the peace in your home, those sounds may be a sign that the unit will break down soon. Sometimes excessive noise is caused by a duct system that is too small for the size of the home.

Inconsistent Cooling

The air conditioner in your home should maintain your desired temperature when it is warm and humid outside. Inconsistent cooling is a sign that the equipment is malfunctioning.

Lifespan Considerations

Sometimes you need a new air conditioner simply because the one you have is too old to function properly. How long you AC lasts will depend on several factors, such as use and the frequency of maintenance.

Contact our team at Sullivan Oil and Propane if you need to install a new air conditioner that performs optimally. We’re happy to help you beat the heat.

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