While it may be common sense, it’s important to understand that the HVAC system in your Alburtis, Pennsylvania, home should receive routine maintenance to live a long life. There are some easy jobs you can do yourself, but most maintenance should be done by a qualified professional. So what you can do yourself, and what you should hand off to an HVAC technician? Here are some guidelines.

DIY: Changing the Filter

Grimy filters can cause dirty air ducts, dirty evaporator coils, and stressed fan motors if left unaddressed, which can put dirt into the air you breathe. Changing a filter is a simple task and it can save you a few bucks to handle it yourself, but if you’re not sure what you’re doing, you can let the professionals handle this task, too.

Pro: Cleaning the Unit

You should have your HVAC unit cleaned and maintained during both the spring and autumn seasons. This requires cleaning tasks that are specific to the machinery, so it’s best left to the pros.

Things you can do yourself are to keep the area around the furnace swept and free of clutter. For an outdoor compressor, keep shrubs and trees trimmed, and don’t let grass or brush build up around it. This will give the technician easy access to the units and reduce the chance of debris getting trapped inside.

Pro: Repairing the Unit

While you may be tempted to examine your equipment when it’s malfunctioning, it’s better to let the pros handle it. While you may be able to clear the drainage pan, things like stalled fans, broken belts, and loose wiring are a safety hazard that should only be tackled by a trained professional.

Cooling and heating systems are made of sensitive components that should be handled by a skilled pro, both for your safety and the safety of the machinery. To find a qualified HVAC expert in Alburtis, Pennsylvania, please contact Sullivan Oil and Propane at (610) 810-3992 today. We have the necessary experience to handle any energy and home comfort issues regarding your HVAC system.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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