VOCs, or volatile organic compounds, can evaporate and become hazardous gases at room temperature. They’re released by burning fuel like wood, coal, or natural gas in your Wind Gap, Pennsylvania, home. They also come from many commercial paints, glues, air fresheners, cleaners, pesticides, new carpeting, and some furniture. These chemicals include formaldehyde, benzene, xylene, toluene, and acetone. They can cause headaches, dizziness, fatigue, rashes, sore throats, and other health problems. You can avoid VOCs and keep yourself and your family healthy by avoiding commercial products, using ventilation, and adding houseplants.

Avoiding Commercial Products

Don’t use air fresheners or cleaning products with vague words in the ingredient lists like fragrance, because they could contain VOCs. Instead, you can make your own air fresheners and cleaners. Use potpourri or essential oils, or you simmer cinnamon sticks, cloves, orange slices, or other foods on your stove. You can clean your sink and many other surfaces with baking soda, and you can make your own furniture polish with lemon juice and olive oil.

Using Ventilation

Modern homes have excellent insulation and tight envelopes, but pollutants can stay inside your house as well as heat. Your HVAC system’s air filter can’t remove VOCs, but you can use ventilation to get rid of them, along with bad smells. You can have an exhaust fan installed in your kitchen or bathrooms, or you can use a heat or energy recovery ventilator. These devices work like heat pumps to transfer heat away from stale air before it leaves your home and conserves energy.

Decorating With Houseplants

Many houseplants can absorb volatile organic compounds. They produce oxygen, get rid of bad smells, and make your home seem more welcoming as well. Aloe vera, chrysanthemums, spider plants, and many other species can improve your indoor air quality.

Sullivan Oil & Propane is a Carrier Factory Authorized Dealer with more than 25 years of heating, cooling, and indoor air quality experience. For quality service, call us anytime at (610) 810-3992.

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